Truth of Life

"The more garbage that happens to you, the better you are... Our lives are just vapor, that evaporates. So you'd better make use of what you've got."--Reginald Hill, September 5th 2002, lecture on Anglo-Saxon poetry techniques.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

There is a distinct smell on the lower class of people: stale cigarette smoke and greasy fast food. When customers enter my work with some such stench, I try to decipher the smell. Where were they eating? What kind of food? Were they smoking with friends? Alone? Do they smoke a pack a day or just a couple of cigarettes a day?

I would never ask these questions aloud...or would I? If I weren't working on paying off my debt, I wouldn't bat an eyelash and I'd just ask. But these days, I must preserve my current position.

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