Truth of Life

"The more garbage that happens to you, the better you are... Our lives are just vapor, that evaporates. So you'd better make use of what you've got."--Reginald Hill, September 5th 2002, lecture on Anglo-Saxon poetry techniques.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mr. Eastwood

My father is a Clint Eastwood fan. He owns just about every Clint Eastwood movie on VHS and is working on replacing them with the DVDs. I wonder what would happen if my dad were ever to meet Mr. Eastwood. He seems to believe the actor's principles are golden, thus taking on the redneck qualities Eastwood has both in the old westerns and the modern day cop movies.

I, on the other hand, think Mr. Eastwood talks awful hick-like to be taken too seriously. But then again, I talk faster than most people can comprehend so...

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