Truth of Life

"The more garbage that happens to you, the better you are... Our lives are just vapor, that evaporates. So you'd better make use of what you've got."--Reginald Hill, September 5th 2002, lecture on Anglo-Saxon poetry techniques.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

red noses in spring

Allergies seems to attack the most innocent of people. I, for one, consider myself to be one with the earth. I started a compost pile outside my parents' house, I recycle all recycleable materials. I use less toilet paper than I used to. I do good things for this earth we live on. And yet, I am plagued with allergies. What is the deal?

I stayed home yesterday. My activities included sleeping, watching Sex and the City Season Three on my TV, blowing my nose, and drinking water. And this morning I woke up and just as much snot is squeezing out of my nose as before. Within the hour, I'll be at work. People who help people all day as I do shouldn't go to work when their noses are acting up like mine is yet again today. Let's just hope I'm not one of those crazy carrier monkeys.

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