Truth of Life

"The more garbage that happens to you, the better you are... Our lives are just vapor, that evaporates. So you'd better make use of what you've got."--Reginald Hill, September 5th 2002, lecture on Anglo-Saxon poetry techniques.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

flabergasted by flirtations

Today a man of about seventy or so flirted with me. He got me to cash his checks and then said to me, "if you ever get tired of your husband, let me know." What was I supposed to say to that? How are we supposed to respond when we are flirted with? I don't know what to do. I've been told, in the past, that I tend to be a bit flirtacious. It comes naturally. It's a part of the laugh. But seriously, are these ridiculous pick-up lines supposed to aid in the ridiculousness of existing in this world?

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